Business Course Information

About Crescendo's Diploma in Business

This diploma programme is aimed at producing semi-professionals who are knowledgeable and technically competent in the field of business, on par with the current industry standards. Graduates of the programme will be able to solve business problems innovatively, creatively and ethically; demonstrate entrepreneurial skills and acquire life-long learning that prepares them for career advancement. It is also one of the very few diplomas recognised by the University of London to enter into its 2nd year degree study.

Course Highlights

Programme Learning Outcome

  1. Apply fundamental concepts and theory of business and management.
  2. Demonstrate the use of management tools and technical expertise in business and industry.
  3. Analyse, formulate and use effective techniques and tools to solve business related problems.
  4. Communicate effectively in both oral & in written form with colleagues, professionals & society.
  5. Perform individually or work as part of a team effectively to meet common goals.
  6. Understand humane responsibility and adhere to professional codes of ethics.
  7. Engage in life-long learning to enrich knowledge and improve on competencies.
  8. Enhance managerial and entrepreneurial skills for career development.

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